A Method Paper: Implementasi Kriptografi Untuk File Dengan Algoritma Aes (Advanced Encryption Standard) Rijndael Dan Algoritma Steganografi Lsb Pada Aplikasi Berbasis Web


  • Rd. Ridwan Permana Ruslan
  • Setyawan Widyarto Unisel


Kriptografi, AES-128, Steganografi, LSB, PHP


The issue of security and confidentiality of data is very important in an organization as well as individuals. Especially if the data is in a computer network that is connected / connected to a public network such as the internet. Of course, very important data can be seen or hijacked by uninvited people. Cause if this happens, our data will be damaged or even lost which will cause large material losses. Aij (Advanced Enryption Standard) Rijndael is one of the encryption that is suitable for data security. In addition, LSB steganography algorithm is a very good one for collected files. A hash function is an algorithm that converts text or messages into a series of random characters that have a number of characters. This research explains the implementation of AES-128bit file encryption and password algorithm and LSB steganography algorithm on storage media for file storage in web-based programs using the PHP programming language. Testing the results of the application of the AES-128 and LSB algorithm is done by inputting text from an encrypted file with the original file and comparing the decryption process file with the original file. From the test results obtained from the conclusions of the AES-128 cryptographic algorithm and LSB steganography algorithm successfully implemented in a web-based data security program.




How to Cite

Permana Ruslan, R. R. ., & Widyarto, S. (2021). A Method Paper: Implementasi Kriptografi Untuk File Dengan Algoritma Aes (Advanced Encryption Standard) Rijndael Dan Algoritma Steganografi Lsb Pada Aplikasi Berbasis Web. Proceedings of the Informatics Conference, 6(10), 11-17. Retrieved from https://ojs.journals.unisel.edu.my/index.php/icf/article/view/89