A Designing and Implementing Microservices for Patient Appointment Queuing Systems


  • Widi Santosa Universitas Budi Luhur


The aim of this research is to build and implement a microservices architecture for a patient appointment queuing system. The main focus of the research is how to use microservices architecture to increase the efficiency and flexibility of patient appointment queuing systems. The scope of research includes system requirements analysis, microservices architecture design, implementation, and system performance evaluation. The approach used in this research is a microservices-based system design and development approach, which includes system requirements analysis, microservices architecture design, and system performance evaluation. The research results show that using a microservices architecture can increase the efficiency, flexibility, and resilience of the patient appointment queuing system. Additionally, they can handle more work and ensure services remain available. The main conclusion is that microservices architecture can improve the performance of patient appointment queuing systems. Microservices, architecture, patient appointment queues, efficiency and flexibility are the key words.


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How to Cite

Santosa, W. (2025). A Designing and Implementing Microservices for Patient Appointment Queuing Systems. Proceedings of the Informatics Conference, 10(21). Retrieved from https://ojs.journals.unisel.edu.my/index.php/icf/article/view/412



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