Implementasi Pengenalan Citra Wajah dengan Algoritma Eigenface pada Metode Principal Component Analysis (PCA)


  • Iwan Setiawan
  • Welly Iskand
  • Fauzi Nur Iman
  • Agustina V Silitonga


Image processing, Face recognition, Eigenface, Principal Component Analysis, Euclidean Distance


—The development of image processing technology
currently can alleviate human jobs, one of them as the
recognition on face. In this study using Principal Component
Analysis (PCA) is constructing the input pattern using a digital
facial propagation techniques in face recognition. In the
construction process pattern and facial recognition start of the
object in the form of a face image, detection, construction
patterns to be able to determine a new characteristic to proceed
facial recognition. The process begins when the facial image have
been inputted, then calculated the mean, normalization and
covariance matrix, then the program will calculate the
eigenvalues and eigenvector followed by calculation Eigenface
and PCA feature that will be compared to the image that is on
the database. A program will be designed to test some samples of
face data to be able to provide a statement of face similarity
pattern is being observed




How to Cite

Setiawan, I., Welly Iskand, Iman, F. N., & Agustina V Silitonga. (2020). Implementasi Pengenalan Citra Wajah dengan Algoritma Eigenface pada Metode Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Proceedings of the Informatics Conference, 2(2), 46-50. Retrieved from



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