A Systematic Literature Review: Software Release Management and Delivery


  • Amiruddin Saddam Budiluhur University


Software Release Management, Software Development, Paper Review


Software release management is a process in delivering a product to users. The process consists of planning, software development, testing, deployment process until the software can be used. The purpose of writing this literature review is to conduct a review of several other papers that conduct research on evolution and also the techniques used in software release management. This paper give information about the processes that can be used and also the evolution of software release management


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How to Cite

Saddam, A. (2022). A Systematic Literature Review: Software Release Management and Delivery. Proceedings of the Informatics Conference, 8(16), 1 - 7. Retrieved from https://ojs.journals.unisel.edu.my/index.php/icf/article/view/176