Paper Reviews of Agile Methodology Software Development


  • Aiman Mudzafar bin Mohamad Khairi
  • Mohamad Zainal bin Kamaruddin
  • Setyawan Widyarto


Agile Methodology, Agile Software Development


Abstract –There are many suggestions recently on how to
improve the software development process. While many
developers continue to control the development process
using the traditional methodologies, this Agile
Methodology comes around. This new methodology takes
the development process to a higher level that creates a
new challenge to any specific requirements. A sprightly
movement in this new methodology created new
practices such as Extreme Programming (XP), SCRUM,
Lean Software Development (LSD), Crystal, Kanban and
many more. The study of this paper is to identify the
major changes and the implications to the industry.
Firtsly, the authors will describe the meaning of Agile
Methodology, followed by their characteristic,
development process and the differences between Agile
Methodology and traditional method. Secondly, the
authors will explain the differences of the practice in
Agile Methodology. Last but not least, the authors will
bring the readers to the conclusion of their idea of Agile
Methodology which make this methodology produce a
major changes in project lifecycle




How to Cite

bin Mohamad Khairi, A. M. ., bin Kamaruddin, M. Z. ., & Setyawan Widyarto. (2020). Paper Reviews of Agile Methodology Software Development. Proceedings of the Informatics Conference, 2(2), 18-21. Retrieved from



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