Konsekuensi Cryptocurrency Menjadi Mata Uang di Indonesia: Satu Tinjauan Literatur


  • Adinda Krida Wicaksono Universitas Budi Luhur


crypto, cryptocurrency, digital transaction, implementation cryptocurrency, payment instrument


Nowdays, in Indonesian, crypto can be only trading as a commodity. Otherwise, it is not including into payment instrument (Peraturan BAPPEBTI Nomor 5 Tahun 2019 tentang Ketentuan Teknis Penyelenggaraan Pasar Fisik Aset Kripto di Bursa Berjangka). Most countries in the world have admitted that cryptocurrency is one of payment instrument in digital transaction. However, they still do not admit it as accepted currency. Why? What's the impact?


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How to Cite

Adinda Krida Wicaksono. (2024). Konsekuensi Cryptocurrency Menjadi Mata Uang di Indonesia: Satu Tinjauan Literatur. Proceedings of the Informatics Conference, 9(18). Retrieved from https://ojs.journals.unisel.edu.my/index.php/icf/article/view/269