
Abstract submission: 20 November 20, click here.

Acceptance Notification: 27 November 20 (start)

Extended Abstract Submission: 3 December 202, use OJS click here to register and submit

Registration & Payment: 10 December 20

Conference: 14 December 2022

Registration Fees

November 21 , 2022 November 30, 2022 December 7, 2022
Member Fee 50 100 200
Non-Member Fee 100 150 300
Registration fee includes
  1. All conference technical sessions
  2. Tutorial sessions
  3. Conference proceedings
  1. Each Author registration covers the publication of ONE paper. If you have more than two papers, please register for each paper with another account/attendee.
  2. If you need an invitation letter from IMPC 2022 to apply for VISA to Malaysia, please send an email to, we will provide it to you ASAP.
Enhancement Series 25 November 2022/Friday Included
IMPC 2022 14 December 2022/Wednesday Included
Enhancement Series 15 December 2022/Thursday 50
Postgraduate Colloquium 23 December 2022/Friday 50

Covering the Expenses for Paper Publication

Please read carefully the following information concerning the registration procedure for authors to guarantee inclusion of your accepted paper in the proceedings, especially if you are the prospective presenter of an accepted paper. An accepted paper will be published in the proceedings only if the AUTHOR registration payment for one of the authors is received by December 12, 2022. In addition, all authors responsible for presentation (in-person or virtual) must submit the pre-recorded video and attend the live Q&A session. Papers that are not presented will not be published. No exceptions.

In the case no AUTHOR registration has been received and correctly processed to cover the paper publication, the conference organizers will contact the authors before the paper is removed from the proceedings.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

Cancellation cannot be made.