Web to Mobile Application Journey


  • Afrizal Munawas Budi Luhur University


mobile application, GSM, Hybrid, mobile Web, native mobile application, 4G, 3G, Progressive Web App, PWA


The availability of low-cost mobile phones and the already broad coverage of GSM networks in Developing Countries are a huge opportunity to provide services, based on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), that would trigger development and improve people lives. A first step in that direction has been the apparition, last two years, of numerous success stories using mobile phones in development. However, there is still a gap between the development of few services that demonstrate the proof of concept, and the availability of thousands of services in all Developing Countries of the World. The advancement of mobile technology and the internet network and their rapid adoption has enabled instant information access without relying on desktop or notebook computers. By using this technology, can provide an unimpeded interaction for their users and promote awareness for any information updates. It is crucial to develop mobile application for each major mobile platform to reach most of the user.


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How to Cite

Munawas, A. (2022). Web to Mobile Application Journey. Proceedings of the Informatics Conference, 8(16), 32. Retrieved from https://ojs.journals.unisel.edu.my/index.php/icf/article/view/189