This Development of Web-Based Beu Hotel Reservation System Software to Increase Information Accessibility and Brand Awareness in Kuningan Regency

Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak Sistem Reservasi Hotel Beu Berbasis Web untuk Meningkatkan Keterjangkauan Informasi dan Brand Awareness di Kabupaten Kuningan


  • Rudi Hidayat Universitas Budi Luhur


Keywords: web-based hotel reservation system, information accessibility, brand awareness, Agile, PHP, UML, Kuningan Regency.


Abstract—This study aims to develop a web-based hotel reservation system software to improve information accessibility and brand awareness of hotels in Kuningan Regency. The Agile approach is used in the development, which allows an iterative process and is responsive to changes in user needs. The research stages include needs analysis, system design with UML, development using PHP, testing, implementation, and impact evaluation. Literature studies and surveys identify key features implemented in the architectural design and user interface. Functional testing ensures the system works well and is easy to use. Implementation in several hotels accompanied by staff training, shows an increase in information accessibility and brand awareness. The results of the study indicate that this system is effective in improving information accessibility and brand awareness of hotels in Kuningan Regency. Recommendations include adding features, system expansion, and routine maintenance for optimal performance.


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How to Cite

Hidayat, R. (2025). This Development of Web-Based Beu Hotel Reservation System Software to Increase Information Accessibility and Brand Awareness in Kuningan Regency: Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak Sistem Reservasi Hotel Beu Berbasis Web untuk Meningkatkan Keterjangkauan Informasi dan Brand Awareness di Kabupaten Kuningan. Proceedings of the Informatics Conference, 10(21). Retrieved from



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